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Forum Jar : Maritime cliff communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system Forum
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British NVC community MC6 Forum
British NVC community MC7 Forum
British NVC community MC1 (Crithmum maritimum - Spergularia rupicola maritime rock-crevice community) Forum
British NVC community MC2 (Armeria maritima - Ligusticum scoticum maritime rock-crevice community) Forum
British NVC community MC3 (Rhodiola rosea - Armeria maritima maritime cliff-ledge community) Forum
British NVC community MC4 (Brassica oleracea maritime cliff-ledge community) Forum
British NVC community MC5 (Armeria maritima - Cerastium diffusum ssp. diffusum maritime therophyte community) Forum
British NVC community MC6 (Atriplex prostrata - Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima sea-bird cliff community) Forum
British NVC community MC7 (Stellaria media - Rumex acetosa sea-bird cliff community) Forum
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British NVC community MC12 (Festuca rubra - Hyacinthoides non-scripta maritime bluebell community) Forum

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